1. PRIVACY POLICY Persons ("User") who visit and/or use the website domain "" ("Website") run by Z Telemetri Telekomünikasyon Yazilim San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. ("Company") are expected to peruse this Privacy Policy before using the Website and Mobile Application.

In order to provide Users with a better service on the Website and Mobile Application, certain information (name, email address, etc.) is requested. This data collected through the Website and Mobile Application is used within the scope of the Website and Mobile Application for special offers or special promotional activities pertaining to the User’s account. Apart from collecting personal information; the statistical data regarding the procedures on the Website and Mobile Application are analyzed and preserved. Our company does not share the information transmitted through the membership forms with a third party, does not use or sell it for commercial purposes other than the existing activities without the knowledge or disapproval of the Users.

In the Website content, the features of Google Analytics Remarketing & Demographics and Interests Reports are being used. By using the advertisement settings, one can be excluded from Google Analytics for Display Advertising and the Google Display Advertising Network ads can be customized. The demographic information provided by Google Analytics is used with the aim of customizing the Website and any existing Website ads according to the interests of the Users. This information is utilized for target audience operations as well as being shared with advertisers alongside the information belonging to other Users. This data does not, in any means, include personal information (first name, second name, national identity number, sex, age, etc.) and it is used only in order to evaluate User preferences as a group and compiling the target audience. By agreeing to this Contract of Use, it is approved that the anonymous information is shared with advertisers for commercial and publicity purposes.

Third party providers including Google display the Website and Mobile Application ads in the banner domains of the publisher websites on the internet. With the aim of collecting information regarding ads as well as optimizing and publishing them based on the User’s past visits to the Website and Mobile Application, the Website and third-party providers including Google use first party cookies together with third party cookies. Personal User data can be declared to public authorities only when requested by public authorities and an explanation is obliged as per the mandatory legislation provisions in force.

User’s credit card information requested on the payment page is not preserved on the servers of the Website and Mobile Application or any third-party company with the aim of prioritizing the safety of Users shopping on the Website and/or Mobile Application. It is being ensured that all the payment procedures are carried out between the respective bank or Payment System (Such as Payu) and the User’s device through the interface of the Website and Mobile Application.

By agreeing to this Contract of Use, the User agrees that the shared information belongs to himself and consents to the sharing of this information with other juristic persons associated with the Company with the aim of conducting sales and marketing activities as well as ensuring that this information is reported appropriately in terms of any means of communication.

One can unsubscribe from the mailing list anytime by clicking on the link "Please click if you don’t want to receive special offer notifications" located at the end of all emails sent within the scope of Website membership. The member openly consents to the processing of personal data and its transfer to third parties within the scope of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data ("Law"). Personal data is to be processed as long as the membership continues.

As the Data Supervisor under the Law, Z Telemetri Telekomünikasyon Yazilim San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. acknowledges all the responsibilities and liabilities designated in the Law.

Member’s personal data is processed with the purpose of providing a better shopping experience, collecting and compiling statistical information, improving business operations, fulfilling the responsibilities of the Company designated by the membership contract and other similar purposes.

Member agrees, avows and gives consent to the transfer of his personal data to domestic and international third parties specified by the Company for preserving, storing and processing it for whatever purpose.

The Personal Data belonging to the Member is collected through this application form or if necessary, on electronic media. Member has the right to consult to the Data Supervisor Company anytime within the scope of the Law to find out whether his personal data is being processed or not, to demand information regarding his personal data if there is any being processed, to learn the purpose of processing personal data and whether this data is being used in line with the purpose, to find out about the third parties with whom his information is shared, to demand the correction of any mistake in his personal data and to demand it from the third party if the data has already been transferred, to request that the data be deleted, erased or made anonymous if the reasons for processing data are abolished or to demand it from the third party if the data has already been transferred, to object to any negative result brought forth by the processed data, to lawfully claim compensation for any damages caused by unlawful data processing.

Z Telemetri is an officially registered brand. Brand design, logo, product designs, website design, product images, product videos and texts belong to Z Telemetri and cannot be used without permission. All our product designs are officially registered. In case of any unauthorized use, Z Telemetri is to use its legal rights. Our company reserves the right to make any changes to privacy, personal data protection-usage and eradication policy and to Website terms of use as well as to the products, services, offers, etc. being provided to its users-members when seen necessary; these changes are effective as of their declaration by our Company on the Website or by any other suitable means.

This text in question gives place to the fundamental information regarding the protection of the personal data transferred to Z Telemetri Telekomünikasyon Yazilim San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. ("Company"). This informative text is drawn up with the purpose of acquiring consent for informing and enlightening the real person during the course of processing personal data and for processing personal data in accordance with the Article 10 of the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (LPPD) number 6698 and other applicable law. Company reserves the right to update this Informative Text on the Protection of Personal Data within the scope of the potential changes in the legislation in force.

Z Telemetri Telekomünikasyon Yazilim San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. is the ‘data supervisor’ for the application of LPPD. Within this context, ‘the identity of the data supervisor’ is Z Telemetri Telekomünikasyon Yazilim San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. which has been established as a limited company in line with the Turkish Republic legislations and registered in the presence of Ankara Office of Trade Register with the registration number 357998, Mersis Number 9-6887-8184-9846152 and with its head office located at MUSTAFA KEMAL MAH. 2134 SOKAK NO:5/19 Çankaya 06510 Ankara Türkiye.

Your personal data is collected by Z Telemetri Telekomünikasyon Yazilim San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. to conduct our commercial activities through different channels and based on legal reasons.

Your Personal Data is processed based on the terms of data processing specified in the Article 5 of LPPD and in line with the principles of personal data processing in the Article 4 of LPPD. In all its personal data processing activities, Z Telemetri Telekomünikasyon Yazilim San. Ve Tic. Ltd. Şti. acts in accordance with all the liabilities in the relevant legislation, LPPD being in the first place.

Within the scope of the terms and purposes specified in the Articles 5 and 6 of LPPD, the purposes of the processing of your personal data can be listed as the conduction of the necessary activities by our service units to help you benefit from the products and services offered by our Company; the conduction of the necessary activities to customize the offered products and services according to our users’ interests, usage habits and needs; the direct and/or integrated marketing activities, sales and after-sales operations conducted by our Company, confirmation of the credentials of the person shopping on the website/mobile applications and registration of the address and other useful information for communication.

In accordance with the respective legislations, the personal data is to be processed within the scope of all the activities of Company regardless of being designated in the contract.

With the aim of performing e-commerce activities, the personal data can be shared with real or legal entities, our shareholders, direct/indirect domestic/international affiliates, collaborating mediatory/franchise companies and official/administrative offices, and the persons providing and to provide their services to Company.

The personal data is processed in accordance with the Law on the Protection of Personal Data as well as this informative consent form and law and/or contract.

The person whose data has been processed has the below rights to consult Company to;
a) Find out whether the personal data has been processed,
b) Demand information pertaining to the processed data,
c) Find out the purpose of the data processing and whether this has been used according to the specified purposes,
d) Learn the identities of the domestic or international third parties with which the data has been shared,
e) Request correction if the processed personal data is incomplete or wrong,
f) Request the deletion or removal of the personal data within the terms specified in Article 7,
g) Request the transfer of the processes carried out as per the Articles (e) and (f) to the third parties,
h) Object to the an exclusively automatic system-generated result which has been to his detriment,
i) Claim compensation for any damages caused by unlawful personal data processing.

For the above reasons,
We request first name, second name email address information
When the user wants to become a member;
Phone number and address information
When the user is making a purchase.
Apart from these, our servers automatically save the IP address, location information to provide you with a better service. Some of this information is mandatory for creating a membership whereas some of it will help us get to know you better so that we can give you the most favorable service.

To secure the information and processes provided by/collected from the visitors/members, our Company or the respective establishment takes the necessary precautions both in the systems and on the electronic platform within the technological means and cost elements through suitable technical and administrative methods depending on the quality of the data and process.

On our Website, all the credit card processes and confirmations (if any) are carried out online, independently from our Company, between the respective Bank or Payment System or Credit Card Establishment and the user. Information such as credit card "password" is not viewed by our Company or saved.

The data entered on our Website for membership, product/service purchase (if any) and information update as well as private credit and bank card data cannot be viewed by internet users.

None of the data listed above is sold, handed over to or exchanged with third persons or companies.

The data provided by our customers using the website is collected on an electronic platform by Company as per the consent of our users and the legislation provisions. The personal data collected due to the causes of action listed above can be processed for the purposes specified in Article 2 of this Informative Text within the scope of the terms and purposes of personal data processing designated in the Articles 5 and 6 of the Law number 6698.

The Rights of the Personal Data Owner Listed in Article 11 of LPPD
ARTICLE 11- (1) Everybody has the below rights to consult the data supervisor to;
a) Find out whether the personal data has been processed,
b) Demand information pertaining to the processed data,
c) Find out the purpose of the data processing and whether this has been used according to the specified purposes,
d) Learn the identities of the domestic or international third parties with which the data has been shared,
e) Request correction if the processed personal data is incomplete or wrong,
f) Request the deletion or removal of the personal data within the terms specified in Article 7,
g) Request the transfer of the carried out processes to the third parties as per the Articles (e) and (f),
h) Object to the an exclusively automatic system-generated result which has been to his detriment,
i) Claim compensation for any damages caused by unlawful personal data processing.

When we decide to make any changes to our security policy, this decision is declared on our website first of all and shared with Company users per email after that. The latest update to this security policy was made in September 2018.

When you unsubscribe from our website, all the data you shared with us is deleted.

Various types of cookies are used on our website (and on all other digital platforms including mobile applications). These are defined as specification information such as session cookies, persistent cookies, mandatory cookies, functionality cookies, analysis cookies, commercial cookies and third-party cookies.

Cookies are small pieces of data inserted into computers and mobile devices, which enable that the website visited by the user functions and improves itself properly, that the user experience is personalized and developed, that the user visits websites without logging in and/or that commercial-social notifications (these can be viewed even if the internet browser and/or the respective mobile application are closed) are sent to the user, and that the website users-visitors can receive general or personalized notifications, ads and promotions both on the respective website and on websites belonging to other persons (including social media and online commercial networks). Cookies are preserved on computers-devices for an intended duration, without exceeding the legal maximum time period (if any).

Visitors (including Members-Users) using our Website (including the mobile versions) agree to the above execution and that their descriptive data can be processed within the scope-terms and for the purposes specified here, in the personal data legislation and in the other parts of this informative text (including the transfer to, sharing with and usage by third parties within this context).

Visitors can regulate and remove these cookies and/or turn off the notifications whenever they would like by using the settings of the program and/or operating system and/or internet browser on their devices (In this case, it should be known that our Website/the respective device/program may not function as desired and/or that the notification content may not be received).

We use cookies on our website and when you continue to use our website, your personal data collected by cookies is going to be utilized according to the aims and methods specified in our Data Policy-Notifications.

Our Visitors/Users/Members can share all their requests for more information, questions, complaints or suggestions regarding our Privacy policies by contacting us at
Or you can reach us by using the contact information below;
Address: Mutlukent Mah. Arda Sokak No:5
06800 Ankara Türkiye
Telephone: :+90 312 417 1243
Fax: +90 312 417 1244